
The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges to many industries, and personal injury law firms were no exception. By March 2020, the firm in question experienced a noticeable decline in call volume and case intake. The downturn was stark: call volume fell by 34% year-over-year, and cases decreased by 24%. Recognizing the severity of the situation, we stepped in to assist by conducting ghost calls to diagnose areas of improvement and identify what strategies were effective. 


The firm’s call volume and case intake remained below pre-COVID levels throughout 2021 and 2022. Despite a slight recovery, the numbers were not back to their previous highs, highlighting a pressing need for a strategic overhaul in their media and marketing approach.


In February 2023, we introduced terrestrial radio into the firm’s media plan. This was a significant shift, as the firm had never consistently advertised across multiple radio stations before. This new strategy was designed to increase brand visibility and reach a broader audience. Alongside the radio campaign, we continued our practice of conducting ghost calls to assess the firm’s intake process and provide actionable feedback.


1. Terrestrial Radio Advertising: We launched a targeted radio campaign across multiple stations, ensuring consistent and broad coverage.

2. Ghost Calls and Intake Evaluation: We continued to perform ghost calls to evaluate how well the firm’s intake process was handling incoming inquiries. Our feedback helped fine-tune their approach, improving their responsiveness and overall client experience.


The introduction of terrestrial radio advertising had an immediate and positive impact. In the first year of the campaign, the firm experienced a 10% increase in both call volume and case intake. The ongoing evaluation of their intake process through ghost calls provided valuable insights, helping to further optimize their approach.

Today, the trend lines show continued growth, with projections indicating a 10-11% year-over-year increase in call volume and case intake. This upward trajectory underscores the effectiveness of the new media strategy and the importance of ongoing optimization.


The strategic shift to terrestrial radio advertising, combined with rigorous intake evaluation, has proven to be a successful formula for revitalizing call volume and case intake for the firm. By adapting to the changing landscape and continuously refining their approach, the firm is not only recovering from the pandemic’s impact but is also poised for sustained growth in the future.