More and more law firms are producing videos to enhance their digital marketing efforts, and when you consider the benefits, you can see why you should seriously consider getting in the game.

While blogs and other text-based content are important, the fact is videos are much more engaging. Think about how much time people spend watching videos on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. People would rather watch a video that is just a few minutes long than read a well-written blog post.

Below, PMP discusses the many benefits of video marketing for lawyers and the types of videos your firm can create to start reaping the benefits.

At PMP, we have been helping plaintiff law firms across the country grow and attract more clients for more than 15 years. If you have questions about how to get more from your marketing efforts, contact us to find out how we can help you.

Why Your Firm Should Invest in Video Marketing

Whether you have already started to do video marketing or are considering it, it can be helpful to review some of the many ways it can benefit your firm.

Videos Help Increase Engagement with Your Website and Social Media Profiles

Videos may help increase organic traffic to your law firm’s website. This could result in more potential clients contacting your firm and more cases. This tends to happen because it is easier for people to engage with videos than text-based content.

One of the reasons videos increase organic traffic is because they are more likely to appear on the first page of search results.

Videos Help People Decide Whether To Use Products or Services

Many people may be more likely to hire a law firm if they can learn about it through an informative video. This is something that tends to happen with a variety of other products and services.

Videos Help To Humanize Law Firms

One of the challenges of getting people to contact a law firm is many people are intimidated by the idea of hiring a lawyer. Many people have never interacted with a lawyer, and they may see lawyers as unapproachable.

Videos can help you develop a more personal connection to potential clients, making you seem more approachable. Potential clients can imagine themselves sitting there talking to you, which helps make them feel more comfortable with reaching out to a lawyer.

These are some of the same reasons law firms include testimonials with real clients in TV commercials.

Videos Showcase Your Knowledge and Experience

People want to hire experienced lawyers with extensive knowledge of the legal process. While case results and blogs can help demonstrate expertise, they cannot beat hearing a lawyer talk about the legal process.

How Can I Get Started Making Videos?

There are so many types of videos you can create that it can be difficult to determine how to get started.

Researching Your Audience

Before creating content, you need to have a detailed understanding of its intended audience. Who are your potential clients and what do they want to know about your law firm?

Once you nail down the common characteristics of your potential clients (where they live, average income, age, common types of jobs they hold) you can determine what kinds of messages are likely to resonate.

PMP knows how important it is to understand your audience. We do extensive research on the people who are likely to contact our clients. Contact us to learn how we can help you research your audience and determine the kind of information they are looking for.

Determining the Types of Videos To Create

Some firms create videos to introduce website visitors to lawyers and staff members. Another approach is to create videos showcasing your most important practice areas. These types of videos can help to highlight your expertise and humanize your law firm. While online reviews can help achieve these goals, videos can bolster what potential clients have already learned about your firm through reading online reviews.

You could also make videos that answer frequently asked questions about the legal process. For example, clients often want to know how much it costs to hire a lawyer or the benefits of hiring a lawyer.

Video testimonials can be incredibly effective in helping potential clients find out what it is like to hire your firm for legal help. These videos are about more than showing that others had a positive experience with your law firm, or that they received the compensation they were seeking. These videos can show that your firm was there for someone who needed help.

Law firms may use videos on social media to discuss legal issues that are in the news, such as recent court decisions or changes to local laws. These types of posts help to demonstrate legal expertise and that your firm is up to date on important laws.

Many firms have had success with videos where an attorney describes a situation and talks about some of the important issues involved. For instance, a lawyer could talk about certain types of car crashes and how liability may be determined.

Law firms may sometimes post videos to social media to show what is going on in the office. Firms may also post videos about local sponsorships or charities your firm is involved with. Firms also post videos about fun things in the office, like birthday celebrations, holiday parties, work anniversaries, and more.

Promoting Your Videos

Social media is a great place for videos. Many people spend a lot of hours each week on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. You should also put videos on your website, especially video testimonials, FAQ videos, and videos that introduce your firm to potential clients.

Each platform is different, so what works on Instagram might not work the same on Facebook or YouTube. You need to put videos where they are most likely to get engagement.

You also need to do SEO for your videos to help them rank higher in search results. For example, you need to find the appropriate keywords for videos. You should use the appropriate hashtags on social media. You can boost videos on Facebook, which helps to increase their reach.

How Do You Measure Success With Video Marketing?

There are many metrics that can help to indicate success with video marketing, such as likes on Facebook or Instagram. You can also look at unique pageviews on your website. Consistently posting videos on social media could increase your number of social media followers. This means future videos and content will reach a larger audience.

At PMP, we have been measuring the success of digital marketing efforts for more than 15 years. Through significant research and testing, we have determined the strategies that work and help law firms attract more of the clients they want.

Contact us to learn how we may be able to assist you with growing your firm.